Future of Food in the Canberra Region

Can you help?

How much food do Canberra gardeners produce?

We want to find out how much food Canberrans produce — and where and what and by whom — to understand the bounty and the challenges, now and in the future. Whether you are growing fruit, vegetables, herbs, eggs, honey, meat or whatever in the backyard, on the patio, the roof, the nature strip or the community garden, we would love to hear from you and get a snapshot of what is being harvested in Canberra now (end of summer—early autumn) and again (in winter)

Find more about the survey below
food for future survey brochure
Find instructions on how to complete the survey here
survey instructions

What we know so far

Please find  progress reports that have been shared with our participants here . We look forward to sharing  finalised reports


Contact us

Questions about the future of food in Canberra or want to explore your role in our sustainable future?

Get in touch!

Email us

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