Other Catalogues, Indexes etc.

Libraries Australia

The entire book collection is included in , a web based national cataloguing database available worldwide.

RAAM / Trove

In 1999 the collection of manuscripts and papers housed in the Centre were added to RAAM (Register of Australian Archives and Manuscripts), managed by the National Library of Australia. Since then the National Library has offered for storing and accessing bibliographic records of papers and manuscripts, a service that is freely available to the public.


In that same year the Centre became part of the Australian Literature Electronic Gateway, or as it is currently known, . AustLit is a comprehensive database of Australian literature, and it indexes books, journals, poetry, awards, and collects information on authors, illustrators, publishers, editors and literary critics. Approximately 12,000 records from the Centre's author and illustrator files were loaded on to AustLit, as well as the cataloguing records of our books. The Archives was a partner in this collaboration by indexing books and journals until 2014 when AustLit began managing this collection area.


The files on authors, illustrators, publishers and critics were originally mounted in an abbreviated form in 1989 on the national online database, Australian Schools Catalogue Information Service (ASCIS) available to the 6,000 schools across Australia. As a by-product of this database, a hard copy publication, Lu Rees Archives of Australian Children's Literature: A Guide to the Collections, has served as a valuable source of information and finding aid to the collection for libraries around the world. This Guide and the database provided a strong foundation for literary, artistic and subject access to the authors' and illustrators' work, awards received and foreign language editions.

When ASCIS, renamed SCIS, announced its intention in 1992 to discontinue all databases except for the cataloguing database, the Centre researched other suitable hosts for the files. In 1993, the Lu Rees Archives was invited to join the national OZLINE bibliographic network of databases established by the National Library of Australia in 1987. OZLINE featured a wide range of Australian bibliographical and directory data in the disciplines of the Social Sciences and Humanities. Instead, the Centre joined AustLit: The Resource for Australian Literature.