Bob-a-thon Festival

Max by Bob Graham (detail)

In conjunction with the Bird in the Hand Exhibition the Lu Rees Archives is inviting pre-schools and day-care centres, schools and public libraries to participate in a Bob-a-thon Festival. The aim of the Festival is to engage children with Bob's books in a focussed way, enabling them to experience the fun, joy and positive ideas contained on every page.

Participating in the Bob-a-thon Festival

Teachers, teacher librarians and librarians can participate in the Bob-a-thon Festival by:

  • Integrating activities based on Bob Graham's books into their own programs
  • registering their plans with the Lu Rees Archives 
  • submitting details of the activities and the achieved outcomes for the children

There will be three categories based on the ages of the children:

  1. Preschool
  2. Kindergarten to Year 2
  3. Year 3 to Year 6

Key Dates

Activities for the Bob-a-thon Festival can be held anytime in July 2014.

Monday 2nd June - Monday 30th June Register participation
Monday 30th June
Bob-a-thon commences
Friday 1st August Bob-a-thon ends
Friday 8th August Final date for submitting entries
Thursday 19th August Winners notified
Wednesday 20th August Winners listed on this website
Wednesday 27th August Last day for collecting entries from the Lu Rees Archives
Date to be advised after consultation with winners Presentation of prizes

More Information

Prizes Judging Criteria Planning Activities Submitting Entries

Further information about the Bob-a-thon can be obtained from Trish Milne at lu.rees@canberra.edu.au