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Support for Students Policy
1. Purpose:
  1. The º¬Ðß²ÝÊÓƵ (University) is committed to ensuring all its Students are provided with the support required to assist them to be successful in their studies.
  2. This Policy outlines the support available to Students to assist them with successfully completing their Units of study and the University’s processes for ensuring that Students are aware of these support options.
  3. This policy is published in accordance with the University’s obligations under the (Cth) and and will be reviewed annually.
2. Scope:
  1. This Policy applies to Students admitted to and enrolled in one or more Coursework Units of a Coursework Course or a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Course.
3. Principles:
  1. The University will ensure that support is available to Students to assist them with successfully completing their Units of study and that Students are made aware of these support services throughout their study.
  2. The University will encourage all commencing students to undertake the Student Readiness Survey which enables referral to support services
  3. The University will monitor student engagement in line with the Academic Progress Policy and Procedure to identify Students who may be at risk of not meeting Unit requirements. 
  4. The University will communicate with Students identified as at risk of not meeting Unit requirements in accordance with the requirements set out in the Academic Progress Rules, supported by the Academic Progress Policy and Procedure to ensure they are aware of the support services available to them.
  5. The University will publish information regarding support for Students on its website and on the Myº¬Ðß²ÝÊÓƵ Student Portal.
Student Support Services
  1. The University will offer a comprehensive range of academic and non-academic support options for Students to assist in the successful completion of their Units of study. These services will be provided by appropriately skilled staff of the University and delivered by central support areas, namely Careers º¬Ðß²ÝÊÓƵ, Library & Study Skills, the Ngunnawal Centre, Student Life, Student Connect, Student Accommodation, and º¬Ðß²ÝÊÓƵX, by the Faculties, or by external providers specifically engaged for student support activities.
  2. The Faculties’ academic staff will provide unit-specific academic support and advice to all students in the unit. Each Faculty will regularly review its units through assessment boards and other monitoring, review, and improvement activities.
  3. The University will provide multiple channels through which students are identified, or self-identify, as needing support. These include the Student Readiness Survey (for commencing students), the Retention team, academic progress monitoring by academics, the identification of Academic Standing, and proactive monitoring of additional needs through service areas. Once identified, students are referred to the appropriate academic and/or non-academic services for support.
  4. Students can make contact with support services either in person, by email or by phone. Appointments can be arranged as in person and on campus, virtually or by phone. An After-Hours crisis line is available to all students out of working hours via phone or text.
  5. The University’s academic and non-academic student support services include: 
    1. Alternative exam arrangements;
    2. Career Planning and Development;
    3. Case management of high-needs students;
    4. Inclusion º¬Ðß²ÝÊÓƵ (students with disability & Elite Athletes);
    5. IT Service desk;
    6. Jobs on Campus;
    7. Library and Study Skills;
    8. Medical & Counselling Service;
    9. Mentoring programs;
    10. Multi-Faith Centre;
    11. Ngunnawal Centre (First Nations students);
    12. Orientation and Transition programs;
    13. Peer-Assisted Learning Support (PALS);
    14. Reasonable Adjustment Process;
    15. Scholarships and bursaries (including for Work Integrated Learning, equity and Indigenous students);
    16. Student Advocacy;
    17. Student Centre;
    18. Student Clubs and Societies;
    19. Student Representative Council;
    20. Student Success Program (for equity students);
    21. Student Wellbeing and Support;
    22. Support for Work Integrated Learning; and
    23. Tutoring for First Nations students.
  6. The University will monitor wait times for capacity-constrained services to ensure timely access to these services.
  7. The University will provide students with crisis support, including an After-Hours Crisis Line, and an accessible process to report any incident relating to Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment and Other Misconduct as outlined in its Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedure. All Complaints to the º¬Ðß²ÝÊÓƵ Safe Community webpage will be responded to within 24 business hours by specialist University staff and will be treated with confidentiality, dignity and respect.
  8. The University will support students who have experienced family and domestic violence, harassment, sexual harm, or other traumatic events in line with the Action Plan Addressing Gender-based Violence in Higher Education and the National Higher Education Code to Prevent and Respond to Gender-based Violence.
  9. The University’s academic and non-academic supports will be designed and offered in a way that is culturally appropriate, and include information about the provider’s specific arrangements for First Nations students and students with disability. This work will be led by the Ngunnawal Centre for First Nations students and Student Life for students with disability.
  10. The University will make information available to students that Census date is the date they will incur a HECS-HELP or FEE-HELP debt. This will be done through University-wide communications campaigns, through print and digital media as well as in conversation with students who seek support prior to Census date.
  11. The University will ensure that information about available support services and how to access these services is published on the University website and on the Myº¬Ðß²ÝÊÓƵ Student Portal, which includes services in relation to an Educational Partner.
4. Responsibilities:
Who Responsibilities
Academic Board
Academic Quality and Standards Committee
  • Endorse changes to the Support for Students Policy.Endorse changes to the Support for Students Policy.
  • Refer to the Academic Quality and Standards Committee Charter.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic
Pro Vice-Chancellor Education
  • Policy custodian of this Policy. Refer to the Policy Framework Policy and Procedure.
  • Ensure relevant information about the support services available to Students is published on the University website
Pro Vice-Chancellor Future Students
  • Ensure relevant information about the support services available to Students is published on the University website and on Myº¬Ðß²ÝÊÓƵ student portal, which includes those in relation to an Educational Partner.
5. Legislation:
  1. This Policy is governed by the following legislation:
    1. .
    2. National Higher Education Code to Prevent and Respond to Gender-based Violence*
    3. º¬Ðß²ÝÊÓƵ (Academic Progress) Rules 2022.
*Note: at the time of enactment, the national Higher Education Code to Prevent and Respond to Gender-based Violence is not yet in force.
7. Definitions:
Terms Definitions
Student A person undertaking a Coursework Course or a Higher Degree by Research Course as defined in the University Register of Courses.
Student support Includes academic and non-academic services and programs as well as peer support and support provided by academic staff.
Unit A Unit of study entered in the University Register of Courses.