In the End

By Joshua Belton

Creative Writing
Home Schooled - Year 12

Dante Ven IV is dying. He has cheated Death for many decades but now she’s finally come for his soul. He must use his wit and cunning to thwart Death once again, otherwise his eternal life may finally come to an end. Will Dante succeed? Or has his luck run out?

Full Description:

Who: Dante Ven IV, a human who has used magic to extend his lifespan exponentially. While he usually appears calm and collected, he is quite cruel and sadistic. He meticulously plans his every move and plots his revenge against those who toppled his throne.

What: Genre: High Fantasy/Swords and Sorcery.

Story Premise: Defying death

When: Medieval period

Where: In a dark cave on the edge of a cliff, overlooking an unnamed city.


Dante is dying. He has cheated Death for decades but now she’s finally come for him. When she arrives Dante attempts to goad her into stepping onto a hidden glyph containing a spell to trap her. After being captured she tries to negotiate her way out of the situation through several offers of power and eternal life, however Dante declines all of them. In a final attempt to escape she manages to break to spell and quickly kills Dante, however he reveals his final trick, a spell which eternally binds Death to this cave, and that he wanted her to attack him. He then walks outside onto a cliff overlooking a city, ready to once again rule.


Inciting Incident: Death’s arrival

Plot Point 1: Death’s offer

Plot Point 2: Dante’s goal is revealed

Turning Point/Epiphany: Dante reveals his plan

Climax: The casting of an ancient binding spell

Falling Action: Dante gloating to Death about the brilliance of his plan while she struggles against the spell

Resolution: Dante planning his return to power

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